Word of Change

Word of Change

Remember You

Mar 17, 23

Find your being in wonderment of tomorrow. Seek the excitement of self in today and know that tomorrow brings abundance in the future of being, it brings the change, the scope of experiences necessary for you to open your being, your self to the full spectrum of colors that are already abundantly flowing within and around your being. Open yourself up today to the truth of your future, allow the destined path of being, the true knowledge and discovery of you to come onboard and make…

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Thus Be That Love

Jan 21, 23

You may have come to know your being in the space of despair. In the space of self that is unlike the true love and true desire for greatness you have come to want in your life. It is time to awaken your soul to your true potential and release a burden of unwanted. True love, true knowing comes from within. The depth of your love, your ability to handle and propagate endless light and beauty rest on your ability to believe in the greater world of tomorrow. The outcomes of true knowing and…

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Open to Love

Dec 10, 22

Open your connection of self. Open your way of living that does not limit you being into suppression, depression of self, the limited way of being. Open yourself to love, the love of ages and allow it to fill you whole. Allow your being to be completely immersed in the essence of love, the true love you possess within your core. Love is an eternal being of existence. It is an eternal being of love that feed your body, thoughts and actions into existence. Love is all encompassing and all…

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Resignation of Self

Nov 11, 22

When does one consider the resignation of self? When does one reach the point of awakening to be aware and be present in the form of now, with the old way of being gone by the wayside, together with the unnecessary suffering of self? When does one have enough of pain, conflict, indifference and intolerance, and move itself into the world of light? I question your application of self, your dedication to tomorrow. I question your form of personal awakening to know where, at what point will…

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Finding Your Truth

Aug 28, 22

To realize one’s full potential, to experience the ecstasy of true knowing we often search for self in the outside world. The world that offers us a plan, a guidance to self-actualization that in fact has nothing to do with enlightenment or the reaching there of. The plan of false perception is a distraction from the actual living of self, from the actuality of your truth, a plan is a road to nowhere, and nowhere is the exact place you already know. What is the plan of self that…

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In What Space Does Love Reside?

Jul 9, 22

In what space does love reside? In what sanctuary does it find its true space of belonging, unencumbered by fear, guilt, jealousy, or the weight of the world? In what space does love reside? At times you walk this plane wondering the workings of life, the complex reality of being happy or unhappy with situations, circumstances, or decisions you have dived into thus far. What choices in life lead to you finding love? What choices of you in this moment make you wonder where you went wrong…

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Enter the Knowing of Simple Being

May 12, 22

Mere acknowledgement of self creates a vortex of progress. Acknowledgement of your inner being, the core of your knowing, the core of your creative being. The self that is made of star dust, the self that is one with the creative forces of the universe. The self that knows and feeds this planet, and all the planes with love of simple being, the being the inner version of you. I direct your attention to the oak that stands in the forest, the vast, old oak, full of deep roots into the…

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May 7, 22

Who preserves the kindness of the whole? Who answers the call of enlightenment when coming across the vast divide of formless matter? One who knows the self within, the one who feels the self of glory, the one that feels the self reach to essence of the necessary initiation of light. Light the way for the unfortunate souls that sit still in their form of awakening, light the way of the path that has yet been taken, but sits there awaking the true coming of your being. The true coming…

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Simply Be You

Feb 20, 22

To whom shall seek their truth, shall all find their knowing. In the essence of human nature, ourselves, our mind, and our being is always seeking experience, experience of something further. Experiencing of something away from the knowing we already possess inside. In that experience we find ourselves, a reflection of our soul, and see the dreams of ourselves outside of knowns, outside the perspective of us in all form of ways. The seeking, the knowing, the experiencing is all part of life,…

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Until Then, Simply Love

Feb 12, 22

When one looks at the oneness of the whole, one observes the peaceful existence of nothing. When we touch on the notions of nothing as our beings of truth, we see the truth in our potential for love and our potential for being true in self. The word of change leads us to the road of oneness, the road to recovery of our being in its true form of self. When we touch on each other’s beauty of self, the beauty of our existence, we touch on the essence of our reality, the essence of our…

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Allow You

Dec 24, 21

In the oneness of reality of self, one finds their heart of love. In the oneness, one finds the ability to know thy self in the endless void of hopeful reality that is your truth. Your truth of the world, the world of your knowing is the reality of your being. The reality of choice, where you as the master of your design allows your being to be your true north, to be your true thinker, your true confidant, and a true being of light. Your hopeful reality that is your actual truth lives…

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The Awakening of You

Nov 14, 21

To the one in tuned with the call of tomorrow, the call of greater potential in love and love of self, I write the message of love. The message of your true potential into the form of you. I write into the knowing of your soul's call for awakening, for awakening of self in your true form of being. Hear thy self and see me in your actions. See me in your call for love, in your call for the future of abundant miracles of truth. Hear yourself reach, call out and synchronize with the calls of…

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The World of Knowing

Oct 3, 21

Today, in this moment you live in the world of knowing. The knowing of your ultimate truth and your ultimate application of self to the world around you. Nothing besides this knowing can enter into your being and reassure you of your own path to the future of the new you. You’re the master of that thought, master of that belief, and the architect of your own truth. Knowing is the ultimate initiation into your human soul, into all the notions of you today, all the you’…

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Our Nature is Love

Jun 27, 21

Through the eyes of love, we see the unlimited possibility of tomorrows future. The Future is bright, filled with love and endless joy of existence. Set for the path to living in love with oneness, the love that lives in all without any boundaries or limitations. One wonders the world seeking enlightenment, seeking something that will change them into a divine being filled with knowledge of the universe and the wisdom of sages. The journey to wisdom is indeed lost to the cause.…

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The World of Peace and Love

Jun 9, 21

The world only knows peace and love, we flow and function in it, day to day, hour to hour. Your love for self and love for humanity will overcome all boundaries, obstacles and traps. Be the self that is in love with creation. Nurture your desire for redemption of human soul. Your task is to be that what you feel on the inside, a love of boundless possibilities, a creation of perfection in all outward actions of self.

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The True Self of Love

Jun 6, 21

The was an old man who has been wondering the desert for 1000 years. One day, he came upon a well full of endless knowledge and wisdom. In confusion he asked the gods, why, only now has he found this well. The gods answered, that only when the man’s thirst for knowledge becomes insatiable, does the well appear. Seek the knowledge of the well from within, the thirst for true knowledge is love of life. The life that takes on a different meaning in the light of goodness and…

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Be The Self You Are

May 30, 21

From the wisdom of knowledge and love, the ultimate truth comes forth. The guiding light that shines beyond any cloud of unknowing, confusion, despair, or surrender. The self that longs to live the life forth in the true knowing, self that has no limit in this or any reality. The Realty of love, compassion, and true joy is the actual true expression of self and self love. Your true self longs to be free, to be heard, to be part of the true world of love. Stepping beyond the bounds and…

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The Essence of Love is Kindness

Apr 24, 21

The essence of love is kindness, the kindness of the heart is the stream that fills the life of song and resonates into lifetimes. The kindness carries hope for love, the kindness carries hope for joy, for happiness and all that is good in the world. Kindness knows no limits, just like love knows no limits. Both are part of self, the self that loves peace, harmony and balance of the soul. We are the children of the unlimited divine, we are the divine souls that resonate with kindness and…

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The One Within

Apr 11, 21

The love of spirit lies within, where harbored cycles grow The seed of life, the stem of sprout, when air cycles glory The life of stories, lives and grows, as human conscious stiffs The stories flow like water of an endangered spring We come and grow, we grow and go, allowing time to pass The song of love we sing with sorrow allows movement past Like birds of song we fly throughout, allowing time to pace The inner calling of tomorrow, providing saving grace We live and…

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You are Love and Love is You

Mar 13, 21

Feeling fulfilled in love is ultimately the purpose of life. One's personal journey to self-discovery ultimately leads to a path of true love. Your path is yours to discover, to own, to know, to feel. The path leads you through a journey of loss, despair, darkness, and, at times an inevitable feeling of worth outside of any scale. What do I mean by that, is that your worth is tied with the new possibilities of your souls journey. Your journey is predetermined as a whole, but its individual…

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Angel's Song - Let the Self be Love

Mar 6, 21

When one is touched by the eyes of an angel, the world stands still. The moment seems mundane and nothing out of the ordinary, yet the moment lasts a lifetime. The time stands still, the clock has no power, the world is yours for the knowing. The knowledge of the above, the ultimate guidance of love and eternity is at your hands, ready for the taking, ready for embrace. The eyes of an angel are pure, love filled, joy filled; nothing deviates from it. The lifetime of your existence seems…

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The Way You Move, The Way You Love

Feb 6, 21

The tenderness of our touch and sensible approach to our love offsets each other’s intentions. True love, in a sense, does not have its limits. The sensibility for the concept of love in fact does not fit into the mold. Love is not sensible, sensible isn’t really a thing when it comes to love. Sensible is there as a limiting factor to stop our heart form soaring further. The heart that yearns to sing, to love, to nurture, to touch, and to spread its wings. The true heart holds zero…

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You are Madly in Love

Jan 31, 21

What if I told you that you were currently madly in love. The type of crazy love that floods all your senses, lifts your heart from within, and makes your body tingle. The type of love that can’t be described on paper. It’s felt through the core, like angel’s song that reaches the heavens. The mind simply flows with it in this eternal bliss, knowing that this love is eternal. This love will never leave, it will never disappoint. This love is everything that you ever…

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Seeking You

Nov 28, 20

"What you seek is seeking you" - Rumi ..... define a seeker – one who is hopping for something new, something different, something unknown, in reality what the seeker is seeking is change. Ask self, what in your life that you seek equates to change. The change comes in many forms, some in a form of a new experience, some in the form of a new thought or outlooks, some in the form of a complete transformation into who you really are. The extent of the change, or the size thereof is completely…

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Being You, a Citizen of Earth

Nov 26, 20

Love, compassion and a true understanding what it means to become human on Earth. In reality our consciousness exists in peace, but through personal choices for turmoil we decide to indulge into things that otherwise brings us diseases and discomfort. A silly notion but in fact the truth of this world. May on this day and every day after you consciously make a choice to be different from the rest, different from all the misconstrued notions of life, love and citizenship.…

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The Essence of Love

Nov 17, 20

When the essence of love is met without fear or judgement, great things happen. The nature of human existence allows us to experience the true modes of love without prejudice. The happiness initiated by the influx of love and serenity of one, allows us to be there for one another. It allows us to let the love within us shine through without judgement of fear, unhindered by the possibility of hate and unacceptance. Think back on the time when love overrode all that is, nothing really mattered…

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The Path to Transition

Oct 25, 20

The individuals in all lack the overall larger-view picture of the whole. The one offs are now presenting themselves as part of the whole, when indeed they fit perfectly together as one. The overall force of energy necessary to fully awaken and understand the course of humanity will take the understanding and commitment of the whole, the whole who is prepared and ready for the transition to take place. The transition itself is a wonderful awakening process of truth, knowing of oneself,…

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Forget The Counting Clock

Oct 16, 20

Forget the counting clock it carries no memory The ones that live within will feed the wheel of time The time will further on and lead you to tomorrow But in tomorrows time we stay alone in line Within ourselves we live, believing in tomorrow Hopping for the chance to reach ourselves within The sorrow in the failure will lessen in the knowing That time in time again we will be one within Let go of the sorrow, as it feeds no use The clock will stop the ticking when you go…

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Being Human

Aug 22, 20

Living in the human form can be a startling experience for some, taking on the feeling of physical sensations, smells, and outside the body interactions with the world is a start of a new journey. A journey that we have undertaken dozens of times, yet each and every variant there of carries a new set of challenges, enchantments, and wisdoms. Our outlook on what it means to be human fades over the years of our upbringing, shaping us into being that we are not, constricting us to the energetic…

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Living Cohesively

Aug 21, 20

How do we live more cohesively today? Through love. And Love is not the concept that this world has come to know. Love has been lost to misinformation and misuse, to abuse, sorrow and concepts of functionality that go beyond of what the world actually needs in love. Being in love is being one with yourself. Being in love is being one with God. Being in love is being whole, is being part of the whole, and feeling whole. Is feeling the whole within you, is feeling the whole in the energy of…

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Being Whole and Understanding the Whole

Aug 19, 20

I always thought that humanity lacks the perspective of the whole, but today the humanity is lost in the long line of details that represent nothing at all. In fact, they sit there as droplets of water on surface of the ocean and they stare at the droplets and wonder what they are, and what they are not, what color they could be, and what color they are not. And instead they are not seeing that they are droplets of just one in the whole. The ocean is a deep and endless state of peace and calm,…

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Teachings In Todays World

Aug 17, 20

Todays world is not any different than the world of the time when I walked the Earth. The Earth exists in the perfect balance of mind and body, and each and everyone individual is part of the balance of the Earths eco system. Many people are lost, as they were lost back in the past. Many people suffer, and feel the need to connect to something larger than them, whether it’s a religion or some other form of structural believe. We are all seeking to reach higher reals and be part of a…

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The Planetary Change

Jul 4, 20

The planet is upgrading its vibrational frequency to allow humans greater understanding, and greater access to the communication of the Whole. It’s upgrading your understating to reach the cosmic consciousness and the consciousness of humanity that will allow us all to function as one. The process of enlightenment leads to the greater understanding what it means to be a universal mind, the universal consciousness. The experience you experience in your physical state will amplify…

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What is Earth

Jul 3, 20

The Earth is a live being able to communicate emotions and feelings with the vibrational frequency that matches humanities wavelength. The Earth functions and growth those around, and the human co-existing and cohabitating together as one unit. The Earths message for us revolves around conservation, love, understanding and unity. A message that will resonate with all humans soon. Make them understand that they are part of a larger whole, a larger whole is suppose to unite in peace and…

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Leading In the Shift of Consciousness

May 24, 20

The shift in consciousness will be implemented by those who are balanced and aware of the emotional body, physical body, and spiritual body. Implementing the full shift and switch requires attention to the whole. The whole, as a space between us and ourselves, space between them and us, space between consciousness and realty. Implementing the greater knowledge and processing it and proceeding with the task requires a path of believe, and simultaneous explosion of light. The light that…

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Connecting with Love

Apr 19, 20

Go back to the beginning, think of what love to you was then. How you felt about love, how you held it in your mind before it got convoluted with false hope. What love is to all is a personal experience, an experience that cannot be replicated on a large scale and lived through, thus the experience of life. The Life force behind us all drives us there to connect with the essence of humanity, the essence of understanding, and learning from our mistakes. Mistakes have been made along the…

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What Is Oneness?

Apr 18, 20

Oneness is the connectivity between all. Like an electric spark that travels the path of the least resistance. The resistance is the human mind, that spark is love. Separating the two would be a mistake and unifying would be the ultimate goal of humanity. #oneness #whatisoneness

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The Next Step For Humanity

Apr 10, 20

The humanity is already on the trajectory of the change. The change that has started long ago and continues to permeate slowly through the globe with a set of necessary catalysts that will push each set of humans into the direction of change. The Change brings forth the understanding of greater tomorrow and a future that is driven by oneness and the spirit of love. The spirit of connectedness and wholeness that is within. The step is already taken, the road followed is on track to being…

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Purging the Baggage

Apr 6, 20

Bring forth the memory and establish a connection to here and now. What does that memory bring forth into tomorrow? Pause and think of what valuable information this memory generated–a feeling, a thought, an emotion. If the memory is none of those things, let go. If the memory is that of hope and love and oneness, process it into the future with an additional light of love. Add to the feeling of emotions that generate the “warm and fuzzy” feelings within. Add to the feeling of…

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Letting Go of the Ugly

Apr 4, 20

I believe whatever humanity had to deal with from the inside has reached its surface. It reached the pivotal point for processing, digesting, and regurgitation. The process of letting go of all the uneasy pain and suffering has started, and our upgrade for the initiation of a larger tomorrow has begun. Learn to let go of the uneasy feelings of dread, suffering, hatred, and despair, and move into the light of consciousness that feeds the greater good. Looking through the fractured mind blinds us…

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In The Eternal Bliss

Mar 1, 20

This is a story, of a young man who lived in a life where the realty was altered. Altered by the ego of the ones around him, and by the nature of the task that he was about to perform. The task, that he himself knew the inevitable outcome. The outcome that would be the guiding light for those who followed, and those who seeked. Later the outcome would be altered by those who wanted to gain, and gain the riches, and the plenty, and never let go of the fear of having less. Today,…

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Love Is...

Feb 14, 20

Some say word LOVE is overused, it’s actually under-used, and what’s more important misunderstood. Love is not spending money on expensive items, love is not the butterfly feeling of a new relationship, and love is not a fleeting tenderness of an orgasm. Love, is a feeling that stems from the deeps of your heart, that spreads like rapid warmth through your core and radiates as an invisible force that is our existence. Love should be worshiped, not in a fanatic religious…

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