Word of Change

Word of Change

Resignation of Self

Nov 11, 22

When does one consider the resignation of self? When does one reach the point of awakening to be aware and be present in the form of now, with the old way of being gone by the wayside, together with the unnecessary suffering of self? When does one have enough of pain, conflict, indifference and intolerance, and move itself into the world of light?

I question your application of self, your dedication to tomorrow. I question your form of personal awakening to know where, at what point will you start to see yourself as a divine spark of imagining. When will you acknowledge that your being, your true self of love is creating the outcomes of all the things you despise and un-desire. When will you choose to see the light over the darkness of self?

In the world that we build together, in the true essence of your reality you are a shinning star. A star that knows no limit in creation, a star that knows no limit of self. The self simply functions and flows, feeding other worlds, other realities with the knowing, with the existence of self. You are divine, your divinity spills over worlds, realities, and the limits of self that you choose to impose in order to see the world in an imaginary reality of other. Your choice in the game of imagination is limitless, it is filled with outcomes, futures, pasts and all the possibilities of the present that you know exist in every set of realities. You are choosing the game, you are playing the part, you are the destroyer and creator of all and all is in your possession.

How you, how one chooses to play is the choice of self. If you are unhappy with your desires of self, with your outcomes of realities, then question why. How are you choosing to play the game? Is the choice a set of challenges, a sets of things to overcome to see a new you? Is the choice a set of tributaries that you put in place of self to then choose better differently, to then choose a version of self that has come past some point of creation and now faces a new set of futures? What is the game of choice? As long as you realize and know why and what you are choosing the choice is yours, the choice within itself is a process forward toward something that you will reach within the parameter of that being. Choosing in knowing is choosing out of goodness of self, choosing in the knowing is selection of outcomes and selections of being that drive a reality of the future. Maybe a reality where your tribulations seize to be and you get to experience a new awaken versions of your being.

Don’t shy away from pain, do not shy away from the truth of your processions. The truth, the pain, the tribulations of self are all beautiful, all whole and complete, and are all part of your existence. Embrace the unknown, embrace the new version of your being, the new approach of self, and realize it’s indeed a gift given to once again see the world from a new perspective, to form your opinion of self from a new vantage point of being. To live a life of anew in the same form as always, but see the world in the beauty of its procession.

What a gift of self, what a gift of imagining. I warn you to stay true to your course, to stop fighting the unnecessary internal turmoil of lesser and commit, know, and embrace your change. Embrace the beauty within, find the peace of your knowing in the contemplation of the reality of truth. Center in, call in the calvary and create from the new space of form, from the new space of recentered, reimagined world where once again you select love over all else, where once again you select kindness over all the other possibilities of self.

Select, know, and embrace the truth. Propagate and select the knowing of self, the belief in your creation that generates outcomes of truth, outcomes of love. The outcomes of forever being in your being with the realization that nothing is necessary for love to shine except the acceptance of self.

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