Word of Change

Word of

Channeled Message of Awakening

About Tanya, Channeled Author, and the Word of Change

Tanya Bennett, Channeled Author

We are all unique and beautiful flowers blooming in the world of love, in our own versions of sacred divine space. My personal connection with spirit started at an early age growing up in Ukraine, where sprit work and connection with divine is more commonly accepted and practiced throughout.

After losing touch with my personal acknowledgement of divine spirit though my developmental years, all that was “not so” came to a complete halt during my personal awakening in 2017. Ever since, my personal journey of development took many interesting turns and moments of aha, all guided by divine intervention along the way, and the Word of Change as part of that amazing path.

Today, I’m strongly passionate to share the gift of healing with everyone and help each and every being to connect with their own divine right of self-healing and ultimate connection to the love of oneness. I'm a channeler, energy worker, healer, author and an advocate of self abundant love. 

I began channeling Word of Change in early 2021, without any real awareness of where the book planned on going. As the year continued, so continues my channeling, editing, and final formatting to finally bring this amazing work into your hands.

As our world continues to change, shift and morph into something anew and unfamiliar, Word of Change offer a perspective, a way in, a different view on the reality of our future. The more time you spend reading the book, the deeper the understanding seeps in into the oneness of our nature, the oneness of the whole and the love that is our particle of existence.

I, myself, still continue to be memorized and amazed by the delicate yet such a simple wisdom on the passages, with each and every rendition of a read. The profound words of ultimate wisdom, unconditional love and dedication to the well being our us profoundly stricken deep within the core of those who are willing to hear the message.

I Welcome you to the Word of Change, to the path of your enlightened existence.


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