Word of Change

Word of Change

Thus Be That Love

Jan 21, 23

You may have come to know your being in the space of despair. In the space of self that is unlike the true love and true desire for greatness you have come to want in your life. It is time to awaken your soul to your true potential and release a burden of unwanted.

True love, true knowing comes from within. The depth of your love, your ability to handle and propagate endless light and beauty rest on your ability to believe in the greater world of tomorrow. The outcomes of true knowing and true desire to be great, to hold the world at its knees, and know you are an amazing and endless part of creation.

Create your world from within. Start to know your true potential in this world by opening your eyes to the truth of your being. To the true potential of creation and the forces of nature that guide your way into this life.

When the road gets difficult, one turns inward to seek help of within. To find guidance of your higher self, the self that knows, belongs, and already knows all the answers to your true cause, the outcomes of tomorrow. The sorrow that you feel is yet another reverberation of your truth, yet another look at your life without the barriers of your placed doing. Awaken to tomorrows calls, awaken to the knowing of your life without the strain of trying. Simply be, acknowledge and believe in the truth that is already the path of you.

Who decides the outcomes of your futures? Who holds the key to your knowing, to your truth? The answer is always you. You are the dictator of your outcomes, the conjurer of your reality, the architect of all, and all is your doing. Take time to respond to your own creation, acknowledge the paths that you have set up on your way to bring you here, to allow you to live the life you have lived thus far, and realize you are in charge. You are the doer, the maker, the one who designs the narrative and live its doing.

Why do something else? Why commit yourself to the outcomes of you that no longer serve your being. Why be the conjurer of untruth, when the truth lives so near. Open the self of love, to perspectives of your true desires, your true wants. Acknowledge your wants, acknowledge your true desire for being. Make them your statement of truth, your declaration of self into reality. Call upon your being, upon your guides to be there for you, to provide you with support and assistance needed to get past your own fear, to get past your own interpretations of otherwise, and awaken your life to the world of inner beauty, the inner self of love.

Awaken, declare, practice being you, a new being of being. A desired outcome of all, the future you seek inside. Practice being whole, being amazing at your dictations of futures that feed your desires outcomes of truth. Be the being of your coming, the form of your tomorrow. I love you into the day of your outcomes regardless of your standing. I hold the torch of creation to your light of day, to your coming into truth. I praise you for being true to carrying the difficult burden of blindness until the day you decide to see.

Unblind your sorrow, see the pain you have come here to be, the difficulty of you you are living here on this plane. Acknowledge all you have lived, and all you have done. Be the outcome you have come here to create, the new you you have come to be in the space of now, the new road you are traveling toward in the desires of you.

Might the plan of your discovery carry turmoil, carry unplanned bumps on the road of you. As so is life, the life of trial and error, the life of knowing and forgetting once again. All is part of your road, your journey to the truth of your being. The discovery of your soul self that call you in without any desire to be heard.

When you find peace within, peace within the knowledge of your truth and decide to keep to the road of difficult, to see past the problems of today, and keep the torch of light lit in your heart of knowing, you will experience truth. Stay true to true knowing, to your path of choosing, and find the way to be, a way to be your true self, regardless of the path you are carrying forward. The knowledge of you being you, your commitment is what drives your forth to your true tomorrow. Your commitment of self, your true light of being is your answer forward. Commitment into truth with zealous pursuit of its happiness.

Find a path forward, a way of being that satisfies your curiosity. The way of loving yourself and offering grace to your being day after day of trial, the endless road to the pursuit of you. Find your path and stay true. Stay actualized, realized to your potentials. Be the difference, be the awaken soul you are trying to reach. Carry grace, carry your true desire in the light of human knowing, and know that tomorrow shines brighter than any day before. Tomorrow, you carry endless potentials of you, the endless potentials of your interpretations of realities beyond your being. Tomorrow you start to see the truth of your creation outside the limits of your reality today.

Call upon your strength of self, your guided path of knowing. Bring in the change, bring in light, and shine love out. Shine your loving self out to the world of your doing, to the path of your walking. Bring in self love, the love to your being within, and the love to your walking throughout. Shine in love, be love and love your self endlessly, as love is the guiding force of life forward. Thus be that love.

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