Word of Change

Word of Change

Open to Love

Dec 10, 22

Open your connection of self. Open your way of living that does not limit you being into suppression, depression of self, the limited way of being. Open yourself to love, the love of ages and allow it to fill you whole. Allow your being to be completely immersed in the essence of love, the true love you possess within your core.

Love is an eternal being of existence. It is an eternal being of love that feed your body, thoughts and actions into existence. Love is all encompassing and all knowing. All acts, every act of your being is in fact an act of love. Whether we know it or not your being breathes, feeds, and extrapolates love as its source of creation, as its nurturer, the essence of all.

Through your contemplation of life, your tribulations of moving, you discovery deep love, the love that exists within. Your actions of self are driven by that love, and that love is your existence. Come to know the deep love you hold within, come to know your true potentials into love and allow yourself to bloom. To fall away from all the ways that love of the old no longer serves your good and find the new, pure, and untainted love.

When do you feel whole? When you feel limitless, abundant, and all reaching? In the moments when love, your true love of self shines on. When the love of your knowing expresses itself in its endless form you feel alive, whole, and complete. Your most happiest moments are the moments of this true love. Why limit your happiness? Why offer something to self that is lesser than the truth? Choose, select, and communicate love now and always. Always choose love.

Unkind are those who suppress their love away from living and offer themselves something lesser than. Something that purposely suppresses their being away from living, away from loving and has them living in unkindness. The unkindness that feeds the earth, feeds their steps on this plane, and propagate it into life. Feed your earth your true love, feed your life’s paths the love it carriers within, find your call and feed it love of desire.

You life is meant to be big, it is meant to shine, to glow in the beautiful radiance that is love. Allow it, allow the truth to be your truth. Choose love, choose knowing and become aware of your true potential. Communicate love, propagate it and let it spread as a seed of hope all around you, as only then the love can truly shine.

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