Word of Change

Word of Change

Simply Be You

Feb 20, 22

To whom shall seek their truth, shall all find their knowing. In the essence of human nature, ourselves, our mind, and our being is always seeking experience, experience of something further. Experiencing of something away from the knowing we already possess inside. In that experience we find ourselves, a reflection of our soul, and see the dreams of ourselves outside of knowns, outside the perspective of us in all form of ways. The seeking, the knowing, the experiencing is all part of life, is all part of the self that you have come here to know.

When seeking stops, your body stops dreaming, your life flow stops going. You experience pitfall of self, you experience something other than your true knowing. And so the truth of self comes up, it becomes recognized and you experience life, new experience of abundance, the experience of knowing that you are on your path of experiencing your own bliss, your own ecstasy, and elixir of yourself.

When we seek we are simply out, out there trying to find ourselves, and through this seeking and through this knowing we find our truth. The truth of us exists in the most ultimate way of love. It exists in our ultimate surrender to the divinity of ourselves, it exists in the simple notions of being as the goal of all existence, existence upon the notions of experiencing as the goal of all. Experiencing, being, and knowing are the keys to the truth.

Once we pause and realize that the truth of us lays in the true path of our being, nothing else is required. If the path of our being is not filled with light or love, then that path will simply lead us to the light of love, and eventual journey of you. All the paths, and all the journeys lead you to the place of your ultimate creation.

The amount of time it takes to get there depends on the number of experiences you choose to partake in, the number of moments of self-awakening, the number of moments of deciding to be yourself. Self discovery in the truth of you, to the love of your being, the oneness of the whole. The whole that is already inside of you, yet you are seeking to discover. Unknowing, you are seeking to know it, to find this truth within you, and come to the final conclusion that nothing exists outside of it.

The trees as they sway in the passage of time communicate their knowing, their wisdom of form, their wisdom of experience. They stay stationary of their goal, they stay stationary to their form, they stay reaching, knowing the abundance of self, and simply being in the experience of their existence. When you see yourself as a tree, when you become one with the flow of life, all one does is simply reach forward. Reaching up to the sky to expand themselves further and further to the divinity of their selves and the divinity of their knowing.

As you root yourself in the ground, your rooting further expanding as you reach higher up. The two function and flow with the flow of life, your expansion of self, your mind and body, and your expansion of your connection to the whole, to the mother earth, to the creation of knowing. Your sense of knowledge of self becomes deeply rooted in your knowing of your growth, in your expansion of the being, one correlates into the other, and feeds into the self. The beautiful exchange between the growing and the rooting, as your human form, receiving nourishment from both sides as you expand your knowledge and your growth, while you expand the knowledge of self in your deeply rooted core.

The trunk of self as it expands with the growth of both, the expansions of the human sole, your discovery of your light, your discovery of your truth, as it gets thicker and thicker you become more evolved, more knowing. Your earn the wisdom of self by being stable in your ground and being widely versed in the experience of you. So see yourself as a tree, rooted and expanding, reaching up and expanding, growing wider in your base, growing wider in your trunk, growing wider at your top. Reaching all directions as you establish your ground into the knowing of you.

Allow yourself to be the true notion of yourself, allow the truth of you to shine forth, not be discovered but simply unlayered from all the blankets of untruth that were laid upon it when you decided to start seeking.

Seek no more, as the seeking is simply being in the experience of you. So simply experience, experience the you, the true notion of you and let go of everything that does not serve. Let go of the light dimming substance that you hold around yourself and cover your being of light and simply let that be the truth that you already process inside. Be the you of light that you know, the you of light that you already hold, the you of light that you have always possessed, yet dimly remembered. Be the you of love, just simply be you.


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