Word of Change

Word of Change

The True Self of Love

Jun 6, 21

The was an old man who has been wondering the desert for 1000 years. One day, he came upon a well full of endless knowledge and wisdom. In confusion he asked the gods, why, only now has he found this well. The gods answered, that only when the man’s thirst for knowledge becomes insatiable, does the well appear.

Seek the knowledge of the well from within, the thirst for true knowledge is love of life. The life that takes on a different meaning in the light of goodness and wholesome living. Live the life of song, the life of remembrance of true peace and acknowledgement of true reality of oneness. The reality of true self lives within and we are simply seekers walking through the desert looking for our internal well of self. When one discovers that they are the seeker, one starts their journey to the truth of oneness. When one walks upon the path of true love of self and true love of reality of oneness, one reaches the oneness within and with all.

Be the seeker of truth, realize your path for tomorrow and see through the veil of ignorance that you’ve built upon yourself. The cloak of darkness does one no justice, it shields all light from entering the eternal soul of creative love and joy. The soul will shine beyond any imaginable point of luminosity once you open your one self to the reality of oneness.

Pause, feel the One Self Love, the one love that is whole. The one and the only one that is within you and inside each and every version of self. The human experience of separation eventually leads all to the discovery of the cloak we wear, the cloak we shed to exchange for the luminous body of love in One.

Shed your skin, remove the unnecessary garbage that lives in the fickle mind of human self who wonders aimlessly in the desert of sorrow. Open your eyes to the truth of your well of knowledge being within your self. Look within, feel the power of love that is waiting for you to be born. Birth yourself with the light of sacred waters, light of unlimited wisdom of the divine, the unlimited wisdom of truth, and the forgiveness for your aimless wondering.

Such is life, that we find ourselves acknowledging our blindness well into our years of loss and confusion. Such is life, that we need the years of loss and confusion to find the true light within. Acknowledge the simplicity of self, of life, and of your true potential. Something that once was hidden, has now been revealed to shine forth, and no amount of hot desert sand and heat can extinguish your newly found well of knowledge of self and the knowledge of love in One.

Believe in yourself, your true love of desire for the better self expression of true love. Your true potential is your true superpower of belief in the unknown. The unknown reality of truth within.

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