Word of Change

Word of Change


May 7, 22

Who preserves the kindness of the whole? Who answers the call of enlightenment when coming across the vast divide of formless matter? One who knows the self within, the one who feels the self of glory, the one that feels the self reach to essence of the necessary initiation of light.

Light the way for the unfortunate souls that sit still in their form of awakening, light the way of the path that has yet been taken, but sits there awaking the true coming of your being. The true coming into form that is your true essence of reality, the true essence of your unique self that is the divinity of you.

I praise the brave, I praise the courage of the whole, the whole that is reaching further to be one with the truth of their knowing, the truth of the knowing that leads them further, makes them reach higher, the truth that essentially becomes the oneness of the whole. Unification in form, unification in mind, the unification of the one and all aspects of self that is the essence of you. In unification, your mind stops wandering, your body stops aging, your spirit is united with the wholeness of your being, you are whole within. You are whole within at this moment, in this time, you are whole. Take the path of your lighted being, take the path of your knowing, united with your light of self, your one true reality of being the divine being of your truth.

I invite you in, I invite you into the knowing of self by simply being whole, being united in your spirit, being excited to live your life, spend your days being brave, being enlightened. I invite you into yourself, into the core of your being, away from the chaos of other, away from chaos of the unfortunate mistruth that has nothing to do with the essence of your true being. I invite you in, to settle, to live, to believe and know that connection with your light, connection with your divine of form is your path of going, your path of taking over and over until the oneness of the path unites with your being.

Step into tomorrow, step into the form of being where the righteous way of living resonates out of your being. Step into the form of know, the form of your true belief in self. Reimagine what it takes to be whole, reimage what it takes to wield the shield of wholeness while offering self in love. Your whole being is surrounded by light, by the form of your imagination that feeds your knowing. Your whole being is yearning to feel whole, yearning to know, fulfilling your purpose of this plane as a being of light, being of love and endless imagination of self. Your being is asking for release from the imprisonment of self that you have offered it for so long, your being is wanting to be freed, awakened, reimagined in the essence of its truth. Your being is ready for you to make the choice into yourself, make a decision into you.

I am asking you to simply be you, I am asking you to simply surrender into your being. Nothing outside of you is relevant, as it serves your being nothing in its place. Nothing outside of you resonated with your core, with the essence of your truth. I am asking you to take my hand, extend your being, reach up, reach further and touch on the essence of your light, greet me midway to allow me the pleasure of knowing you, to allow me the great regard of knowing the essence of your self in the truth of form. I will take your hand, I will extend the essence of reality into your form and help you remember. I will offer you grace of self, the truth of your creation if you simply reach, if you simply allow the truth of you to shine. I will offer myself to you as a gift of the world, a gift of self that will flood the planes of sorrow with the light of day. I will offer myself whole and unequivocal as the being of lighted truth, the one that will carry you forth, on to the planes of being in the wholeness of all, the essence of truth. I am whole within your mind, within your parameters of self, your self is whole together with the essence of me, unite us together by simply reaching to reach my truth within you.

Ask for forgiveness of self, the forgiveness of the that needs forgiving. You are always ready, you are always capable, available, and waiting to discover your being. You are always awake within, enlightened, knowing your truth. You are already all you want, all you desire and yearn to see, now simply be. Marvelous are the notion of your divinity, marvelous is your being in the true essence of your light. Glorious beauty pours out of your essence when you sit still in calmness and know your true being. Marvel is your life, available, reachable, and ready for your divinity of form. Marvelous are the ways of an awakened being, offering grace and essence of self to the world of around. Marvel is your being.

Allow your being to bathe in your truth of form, ready are the notions of your existence to be here with me now, ready is your essence in being. You are ready for more, you are ready for your light, for you council of being, the essence of yourself. I invite you in, into the meeting of your soul, the meeting of your light, the shining orb that is your truth today. I invite you to step in, to hear the tone of your true existence, the chime of all that is, and accept it into your core, allow the light of self, the tone of your knowing to enter to your being, enter your form, connect with the truth of self inside and be your being. Allow your being to greet your essence, to greet yourself within. Merge in with the truth of your form, allow your form to descend down into your physical body, into your physical being and merge the two into one, unite your being with your higher self, the higher knowledge of your procession.

United in form shall you see the essence of your truth. United in being shall you heal your world of sorrow and offer your light forward. United, in oneness, is the way of your forward living, forward thinking and knowing the essence of self that already guides your within. United you shall be if you choose the knowing of your within, if you choose the knowing of your self, as united in oneness is the essence of you. Unite, live, and be, feel the magic of your way, feel the truth of your essence and simply be.

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