Word of Change

Word of Change

Seeking You

Nov 28, 20

"What you seek is seeking you" - Rumi ..... define a seeker – one who is hopping for something new, something different, something unknown, in reality what the seeker is seeking is change. Ask self, what in your life that you seek equates to change. The change comes in many forms, some in a form of a new experience, some in the form of a new thought or outlooks, some in the form of a complete transformation into who you really are. The extent of the change, or the size thereof is completely correlated to the perspective, or readiness of the seeker. Large things will come to those who want large thing, and small incremental changes will appear to those who seek it in baby steps.

See yourself in the light of tomorrow, how does that self look? What is new in your life that makes you happy, the answer is right there next to you in the future tense. Past, present and future are all version of us that we are ready to experience, rewriting self exists in all “time” frames, as all time frames still hold every possible version of us and our own versions of happiness.

In essence being ready, is believing in self. How many can actually say that confidently, with the true knowing of the heart. Self-doubt is natural, as overcoming it is what it means to truly believe in something. The overcoming of self-doubt guides us forth, with a better belief in tomorrow, the tomorrow where we are truly happy, balanced and are on our righteous path of being whole.

#seekingyou #whatyouseek

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