Word of Change

Word of Change

Our Nature is Love

Jun 27, 21

Through the eyes of love, we see the unlimited possibility of tomorrows future. The Future is bright, filled with love and endless joy of existence. Set for the path to living in love with oneness, the love that lives in all without any boundaries or limitations.

One wonders the world seeking enlightenment, seeking something that will change them into a divine being filled with knowledge of the universe and the wisdom of sages. The journey to wisdom is indeed lost to the cause. One need not seek the wisdom of sages, or the knowledge of the divine, one simply needs to know Love. To know Love is to know self, self that is out and forward as our true nature of being. Our skin in this world, our mind applied to reality. Our mind wonders through this life, seeking justice, revenge, experiencing hate, and resistance to change, but our spirit seeks enlightenment. Our spirit seeks a change from our standard day to day operations of being lost, experiencing the wrong thing, seeking the wrong thing, saying the wrong words, thinking the wrong thoughts. We live in the world, being lost to the idea of the truth. We wonder, we succeed, we get temporarily happy in our accomplishment of being wise, yet, the next day nothing seems to change, yet the next day we are still there wondering, seeking and trying to reach something “out there” that will make us whole.

How many eons, does it take for one to stop seeking what is already found. Something that is wired into all of us from the start, the eternal nature of us is our true mission, and our true beginning to finding self that we lost along the way. Find Love.

Find love, with oneness of self, find love with oneness of human race as a species, oneness with the universe, the trees, the bees, and the birds. Oneness with flowers, with oceans, with sands and waters of the beyond. Oneness with self of love, oneness with love of self. Pause to know what you seek has no need to be found, it has no need to be discovered, to be understood or implemented. It simply needs to be recognized as a Thing you seek. Stop seeking the wasted knowledge, stop seeking the useless wisdom, the true knowledge and the true wisdom is knowing how to love. Knowing how to be whole on the inside, filled with love, wonderment and excitement for each and every chance at love. Excitement to be love, to do love, to feel love, to know love, and to feel whole within. To simply be that what we are designed to be, illumined beings of pure conscious love.

Allow self to soar in the world of endless possibilities, where love guides the way forth. Where love sets the rules, where love sets the wisdom and knowledge of self. Allow the love to soar past any barriers of self, past any obstacles or fear. Past the idea that your love is not right, past the idea that your love is weak, past the idea that your love lacks in any way or form. Simply let the love be that it is, a simple guiding light of oneness with self. Internal compass for creation, experience and knowledge of self. Knowledge of the true wisdom that is simply love.

When our lens of life is altered to the lens of love, when our shades of darkness remove themselves from our existence, we can start to experience true love, simple true love. Rewrite your existence into love, rewrite your story to be a story of love, a story of understanding and accomplishment of simply being one with love. One with self that knows love, and lives it.

Sages of wisdom, the knowledge of the divine seek to be discovered within love. Universe is the unlimited source of love once we decide to make it so. Universe seeks the enlightenment of self within you through love of oneness. The true nature of all. Rethink it, relearn in, reexperience it as its true intention. The knowledge of the whole is not what we seek, we simply seek to be discovered as love.

#love #natureislove

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