Word of Change

Word of Change

The Awakening of You

Nov 14, 21

To the one in tuned with the call of tomorrow, the call of greater potential in love and love of self, I write the message of love. The message of your true potential into the form of you. I write into the knowing of your soul's call for awakening, for awakening of self in your true form of being.

Hear thy self and see me in your actions. See me in your call for love, in your call for the future of abundant miracles of truth. Hear yourself reach, call out and synchronize with the calls of love in all and the call in the love of oneness. Allow your being to be the knowing of you, the knowing of self within. Allow your being to imagine the boundless futures of you in the form of I. The point where separation of self does not exist away from the being of you in the form of now. Allow the image of true potential, the potential of your self to come forth as your call for tomorrow’s actions, the call of tomorrow’s true.

Awakening is the road to the journey of self. Awakening is your journey to the recovery of your being from blindness of self despair, and self forgetting. Awakening is as simple as 1, 2, 3. Simply Awaken into the Knowing. Choose, decide, learn all the ways you can and will remember the truth of you. Awaken to the truth of your self and decide to do so.

Not a point in space or time can keep your away from the truth of you if you decide to let the truth be its home. Not a point of self doubt, self deprecation or self sorrow can keep you away from the awakening of self if you truly commit to that call. The only point of non-commitment is the decision of self.

What will you do to awaken? Will you select your today to be in love? Will you select your actions of today to be the actions of your self awakening? Or will you choose to remain in the status quo of you in forgetting? Will you choose love of self, love of your being, the love of knowing instead of blindness?

I ask you simply to have you realize, you are the power of your being. I ask you to allow yourself to see that you in fact hold the key to your awakening. I am me as you are you and in oneness of us we touch the oneness of each other. Today, simply choose to hear yourself within. Pause and hear your own call, feel your own truth, and in today select your self.

Awaken into the world of love and offer love forward. Offer love in your daily activities. Offer love to self. Offer the unconditional love of I that you can offer thy being and be in oneness with the whole. I ask you to know your knowing and simply be.

Be the you you already know within. The you you already know inside. Be the energy of you in the being of love, in the being of true form of loving potential. The you in truth is the answer to all, the you in awaking of self is the truth of your path. Allow the you to integrate into the energies of self that is I and the energies of you that is your true self. Smile at the day before you and allow it to be in love.

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