Word of Change

Word of Change

The Next Step For Humanity

Apr 10, 20

The humanity is already on the trajectory of the change. The change that has started long ago and continues to permeate slowly through the globe with a set of necessary catalysts that will push each set of humans into the direction of change. The Change brings forth the understanding of greater tomorrow and a future that is driven by oneness and the spirit of love. The spirit of connectedness and wholeness that is within.

The step is already taken, the road followed is on track to being met with the outcome of tomorrow. Stay connected and in love, as the rest will take care of itself. The unknow factors of actions sometimes lead to confusion and despair, but believing into the future and the future of tomorrow leads to the same outcome as not believing. The road is planned, laid out, and drags you on path with it. If you’re willing to stay on as a passenger, great things will happen. The change into things will follow the catalyst of the future, the main reason for being is believing into the unknowns, letting it consume you and believe into the greater future for the whole.

#humantrajectory #thenextstep

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