Word of Change

Word of Change

Enter the Knowing of Simple Being

May 12, 22

Mere acknowledgement of self creates a vortex of progress. Acknowledgement of your inner being, the core of your knowing, the core of your creative being. The self that is made of star dust, the self that is one with the creative forces of the universe. The self that knows and feeds this planet, and all the planes with love of simple being, the being the inner version of you.

I direct your attention to the oak that stands in the forest, the vast, old oak, full of deep roots into the ground, full of full foliage that stretches to the sky. What does the oak represent to you as a being of light? The oak is vast, it holds the knowledge of eons of truth. The oak represents the kindness of time, the propagation of life that is the truth of you. You are the being connected to the stars, part of the galaxy and one with the universe, the universe that fills your plane with hope and allows it to exist in kindness of every moment, the kindness of simple being. The oak guides your passage of time, you knowing of truth, it holds the memory of your being for you once you are ready to receive its knowledge. Ask the oak for the truth of your being, ask the vast oak for the flow of life, the knowing of simple existence, and allow the truth of all, the truth of truth to penetrate your core with its tone.

When you surrender to the knowing, when you surrender to the hope of being whole, being united in your being with the vastness of the space and all around you, you declare the statement of truth for all. The rejuvenation of the earth you have come to call your home today, the allowing of the being to facilitate the knowledge of the stars into your body, into your being of tomorrow's futures. The future of your being, the knowledge of your past will all come into fruition in the moment of now, the moment of your choosing when you decide to discover the truth of all.

I invite you into the discovery, into the being of your knowing and the seeing past the tomorrow of less. Why wonder on the net negative of thoughts when you can create a future of hope and joy. When your mind rests on the truth of kindness, the truth of your being, you are the creator of all. Why create lack? Why create poverty of self where you are always seeking more, where you are always seeking others? Find what you seek, find what you are looking for by simply being one with your truth of form, one with your knowledge of being.

When you dream, you discover the vast potential of truth in all. The feeling of enlightened self and facilitate change of form is your dream of self. Your dream of the future where you are able to dictate all potential, all being by simply being present in the form of now. I invite you into the now. I invite you into me, the me of more, the me that is part of you. I invite you into the knowledge of simply being whole as is, without any alteration of your self, by simply knowing and believing.

Visit the vast oak, visit the milky way of stars, and discover your true potential, I invite you in.

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