Word of Change

Word of Change

Angel's Song - Let the Self be Love

Mar 6, 21

When one is touched by the eyes of an angel, the world stands still. The moment seems mundane and nothing out of the ordinary, yet the moment lasts a lifetime. The time stands still, the clock has no power, the world is yours for the knowing. The knowledge of the above, the ultimate guidance of love and eternity is at your hands, ready for the taking, ready for embrace.

The eyes of an angel are pure, love filled, joy filled; nothing deviates from it. The lifetime of your existence seems to be just a moment of spark, a moment to raise you for the better, increase your capacity for love, and your capacity to know. The opportunity given to us in that moment is a gift, a gift to change our path, to adjust our course of wrong, and recalibrate ourselves with God and good. The movement is faint, given to the few, and offered to the many, yet rarely realized and even more rarely taken.

Do you recognize your moments of angel interactions? How far does an angel have to go before you hear its call? Listening is seeing, and seeing is being in the present. Away from the distraction of the world's illusions, away from the mess of the mundane. Lost are those who walk the path of blindness, path of nullified existence that buries them deep within the void. The void is vast, an obstacle to overcome, full of distractions, pain, hurt, a true test to humanity, which is life. How do you live it? Lost, confused, chasing the dream of emptiness, subjected to the pain of everyday ups and downs? Do you rise above it all? Rise, feel, and recalibrate one's self!

The touch of an angel is a gift of self, a gift of God, given to everyone, but only a few are able to take it and make it true. The truth of reality is harsh, letting go of all that we’ve built up is painful, it hurts, it opens our wounds, and makes us weep. The clearing that is needed to move past our human silliness and sync in with the divine. Clean the dirty, purge out the unnecessary baggage, physical, mental, or self. The purge is a necessary adjustment of self to reach your true potential. No balance of the ugly can coincide with the true enlightenment of the soul. Your soul is free to wonder in the midst of a true reality once you let it be free. Let your soul sing, set away ambitions, lies, and stories that are not yours to tell. Set away the emotional baggage that is not yours to carry, let the angel's wings carry it away and help you be true to yourself and your human spirit.

Your spirit yearns to be free, to fly with the angels and feel worthy of that world. The world accepts no ugly, it accepts no lies or hate. The world does not carry any negative vibrations that fill your spirit with hate. Leave that behind, reevaluate, rethink your path, and let the angels guide the way. Be one with the true spirit of the soul, and let that spirit guide your path. Enlightenment is not a state, it is a position of consciousness. A position of a true self, a position that one possesses to stand in, one day after another. Day after day choosing a position of righteousness self, self that is destined for better things, self that is in service of the world and in service of love. No amount of junk can sway the self away from the true nature of your path; know it, own it and be it. Answer the call of the angel, and stop turning a blind eye to the world of fake.

Touch the soul of the few and the few will feel the warmth of many. The amount of power one carries has no physical limit, it is only limited by your personal perception of the three dimensional reality. The true nature of the soul functions outside of space and time, unbounded, unlimited by the notions of self. Your notion of self is being demised by the understanding of natural laws, your limited capacity of self is limiting your potential to rise above the clutter of the 3D space and the world for all that it is. A world full of beauty, endless possibilities and endless love.

Love one's self, love the world and the world will love you back. Nothing in the world comes close to the love of one. One spirit, one soul and one ultimate understanding of self. Spirit world is full of wonder, wonder beyond our imagination, but the imagination is there to fulfill the understating of self. It’s your tool to discover the truth of one. Like a child’s play that allows you to be in the world of true reality, a reality that is yours to make and a reality that is yours to produce. Produce that reality of love, the reality of self outside the limit of the few. The limited understating of the few is drowning the world in sorrow. The unnecessary pain that we fall in, like a pit of darkness that has no ladder out. The ladder out is our mind, our personal form of imagination that we’ve been told to lose along the way. A teaching of greed, hate, separation, and inequality has led us to the status quo of today; a lost world of hope, outside the parameters of light of within. The light that is now simmering as a small flame, simply asking for the permission to be let out, shine itself outside its constraints of fear, denial, and regrets.

Start new, start fresh, you are a beautiful soul capable of endless love, endless possibilities for yourself and others. Serve the true call of love outside the limitations that you currently see as your wall of doom. The wall is just that, an imaginary source of fake emotional garbage that you’ve built up as a self-defense mechanism against being hurt. You are love, you are self, and no amount of garbage can keep that away from you.

Let the self be love, let the self be true, and let your inner flame shine beyond the scope of human limited thinking. Reprogram your mind for love, for wholeness, and the ultimate freedom for the spirit of the soul.

#angelssong #letselfbelove #selflove #theinnerflame

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