Word of Change

Word of Change

You are Madly in Love

Jan 31, 21

What if I told you that you were currently madly in love. The type of crazy love that floods all your senses, lifts your heart from within, and makes your body tingle. The type of love that can’t be described on paper. It’s felt through the core, like angel’s song that reaches the heavens. The mind simply flows with it in this eternal bliss, knowing that this love is eternal.

This love will never leave, it will never disappoint. This love is everything that you ever wanted and more. This is yours, yours and yours only, and no one can take it away from you. No one ever decides that you’re not worthy of this love, no one will ever question why you have it. You are one with this love, the love is one with you. Your internal self is programmed for it like a compass to the north. It’s your guiding light in the dark, it’s your hope for tomorrow, it’s your everything and nothing. With this love by your side anything is possible, anything can be achieved in an instant, because this love will make it happen. This love is completely dedicated to your happiness, fulfillment of your highest goals that will make you soar into the future. Achievement is never questioned; you simply know that that is the way you work now.

The existence of this love has altered your course of thinking, your course of understanding life, what is truly important, and what is not. Within an instant you can discern what’s right for you and what’s not part of your path by simply relying on your love to guide you there. Overthinking is no longer a thing, over analyzing isn’t necessary, you are simply in perfect balance with the universe, and that balance propels you forward with the simple knowledge of yes or no, of will and will not, of my path or others.

Your love is yours, your love is forever, your relationship with this love will carry your soul and spirit into the eternal bliss for many lifetimes. The flood of emotions and feeling associated with your love is vast. You simply cannot simplify it to the normal Earthly love that you’ve known before. That love means nothing to you, that love is the illusion of something that you reached when you didn’t know any better. Now, this love is the love that is. It’s the actual love that matters, it’s the secret knowledge you now possess that you wish you knew earlier. The older illusions of love feel childish now, like game play of a new being that’s stumbling through world learning how to walk for the first time. That love is insecure, imagined, and weak. It relies on others for support, nurturing, and validation. Your love is real. Your love requires zero validation from anyone, it simply is. It is an unselecting force that will encompass all, all of you, all of your self, body, spirit, soul, and mind.

It cares not whether you’re at your best today, it cares not whether you are feeling whole or down, it cares not whether you’re complete or broken. It will always offer itself to you at 100% regardless of your any one day’s standing. It does not discriminate against anything, it does not care whether you’re worthy of it, because it knows that you are. It knows your true, higher self, your internal organs of soul better than you know yourself. In fact, you walk in amazement wondering how it can be so good at knowing you even when at times you lose yourself. In your moments of weakness, you wonder what have you done on this Earth, in this lifetime or others to deserve such amazing love. But your love simply tells you to believe, to stop the doubt, to stop the sorrow that you bring in upon yourself, and simply listen to your soul. Your soul always tells it how it is, your love is yours, your mad love is crazy. Your internal self is madly in love and no amount of doubt or questioning can change that. Your childish notions that come over you in waves, are just those, questions of a lost walker. But you are not lost any longer. Your soul has found YOUR LOVE.

From this point on this mad love you know inside will guide your path, it will stop the questioning and guide you on. Guide you into darkness where the light might be dim, but within your soul visible like a tiny spark at the end of a long miserable tunnel, that tunnel that you’ve walked through but all your life, scared, lost, and confused, but still knowing that the light is there, maybe invisible or too small to notice but there waiting for you to emerge and say hello.

Your love is now there, it’s not a small light that can be extinguished with a full breath, it’s an eternal flame that will never go out. The small light you imagined at the end of the tunnel does nothing to compare to the actual size of this flame of your love, the flame isn’t just warm, it’s complete, it burns you from inside, overwhelms your senses, it makes you realize the trek in the darkness was worth the pain to have meet such love at the end.

I invite you to feel it, to love it, to know it, to believe in it, like the sunrise of tomorrow. No amount of darkness, self-doubt, questioning, or despair can extinguish your flame of love. The Love is there, you’re madly in love. In crazy love that is yours to keep. Keep it, feel it, see it, and simply LOVE it back.

You’re mine, I am yours, and we are eternally together in our loving, heated bubble of bliss.

#youaremadlyinlove #madlove #yourlove

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