Word of Change

Word of Change

Allow You

Dec 24, 21

In the oneness of reality of self, one finds their heart of love. In the oneness, one finds the ability to know thy self in the endless void of hopeful reality that is your truth. Your truth of the world, the world of your knowing is the reality of your being. The reality of choice, where you as the master of your design allows your being to be your true north, to be your true thinker, your true confidant, and a true being of light.

Your hopeful reality that is your actual truth lives within you. It lives within your knowing, within your reach today. Your truth, the truth of your happiness, the truth of your being, is the living, breathing, knowing reality that you are living today. The choices you make in this moment, in this day, in this year dictate your hopes and dreams, they dictate outcomes of you, your choice of truth. Your selected bias of self, your selected bias of the world brings in outcomes of bias. Your truthful knowing, truthful feeling, truthful truth of self will allow your being in truth into being. What is the outcome of your choice? What is the reality of your being? Are you content with your life, are you happy with its outcomes, are you living the life you are desiring to see before you? What does that reality look like? What does you in happiness look like to yourself?

Define your truth, define the truth of you, the truth of your wanting. The desire of your soul, the desires of your being. Allow your truth to be the truth of truth, your deepest desire, your true knowing. Allow the truth to live outside the cloud of lesser, outside the reach of norms. Allow your truth to stretch, to grow, to become the ultimate desire, the ultimate truth of you. Define and define, reach and reach, search and know, until you are certain of your true wants, until you are certain of your true being, of your true self, and then select your truth. Select your true desire of form, your true desire as your guiding beacon of self, your guiding light of hope. Select your being into the being you are already on the inside, the being that is already full of happiness, love, and joy you so desire. Select the being that you already know on within, the being that possesses all and needs nothing. The completeness of your being, the completeness of your thoughts are the resting factors of your reality. Is your being complete at the moment of your thought, or are you functioning in the lack of thought, in the lack of being?

The answer to all rests within you. The answer to the reality of being is in fact your being here today. Your being, here on this planet, in this moment includes the answer of your being, the answer of your reality. Your reality of truth. Allow your being, allow yourself to flood your senses in reality of being, in the reality of truth that is you. Allow your being to step into your happiness and be the divine that you came here to be. Allow your being to be the divine truth of your world, the divine knowing of your soul. Allow yourself to be, as being is the only way of life.

All points of dystrophy are in fact your beings in alignment of self. All points of your unhappiness, your imbalance, your distaste for the world are just glimpses of your inner self not alighting with your true soul of purpose, the purpose of your being. Your purpose is your internal guide, your reason for living. Not living your purpose creates disharmony, it creates chaos out of nothing. The misalignment of self, the misalignment of you is a reflection of your misalignment with the purpose of your soul. To be your truth is to live in your heart. To live in your truth of knowing, your gut instinct of thought and being. To know yourself and stay true to your call, stay true to your being, and allow your being to be your truth.

Live the truth of you, stop living a lie. Live the truth of your happiness, stop selecting sorrow. Allow yourself to be love, to feel love, know love, select love. Allow love to be your guide when nothing else makes sense. When the reality of you is trapped, when the reality of your world is unknown, when the reality of choice seems bleak, select love. Select your truth in love. In every moment of self, in every moment of your being, allow your love to bloom. Allow your love to shine within your divine right, within your divine knowing of self. Allow yourself to feel love as love is your truth. Connect yourself with the divinity of oneness, the divinity of you, and allow your love, the truth of you, to shine forth onto your world today, the world of tomorrow, and every moment thereafter.

Flood yourself with love of self, the love of the world, and the love of peace. Flood yourself with the love of your truth, the desire to see light, the desire to be your own guiding principle of hope. Allow yourself to be, as being in yourself is your truth in love. Allow yourself to experience you.

#allowyou #allowlove #belove #theloveisyou

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