Word of Change

Word of Change

Being Human

Aug 22, 20

Living in the human form can be a startling experience for some, taking on the feeling of physical sensations, smells, and outside the body interactions with the world is a start of a new journey. A journey that we have undertaken dozens of times, yet each and every variant there of carries a new set of challenges, enchantments, and wisdoms. Our outlook on what it means to be human fades over the years of our upbringing, shaping us into being that we are not, constricting us to the energetic form of a limited mind set, limited perception of reality, and what it means to be whole as a human.

Being lost in the world that is our new home is a logical extension of tomorrow, no thought from the preconceived notions of what one should and should not be, would benefit us in any way. You start over, to start over. You start over to become one with tomorrow, to start on the new path of your choosing, to learn the lessons of your choice, by your creation, with your own desires. Your desire is your guiding force and guiding light into the human experience. Your desire dictates what you will choose to have for breakfast tomorrow, just like it dictates what you will choose to accomplish in this lifetime. Your decision of what to be and what to become, anew you with a fresh perspective of the overall goal of humanity. The goal of being whole, as one and reaching your true and unique perspective on the whole.

Our limited understating of the human form, and the existence of a spiritual self is guided by our own reawakening process, to separate yourself from the world of physics and to give yourself into the world of no-matter requires an extensive, deep dive into your human psyche. Looking beyond the world of matter, beyond the world what others classify as normal and beyond the world’s view of that it deems to be physical possible. Extending your consciousness beyond the plane of human existence is in fact what it means to be human. Extending your consciousness beyond the plane of sorrow, beyond the plane of limits, the feeling of hate and the feeling of loneliness is in fact the journey that we need to undertake. Undertake it as a human being, as a being of light and a being of physical matter.

Your combination of the three guides you forward extending your reach past the global outcomes of your world, past the generalized outcomes of any one form or scenario. Be one with the matter of your human existence, nourish its branches as you would the branches of a fruitful tree, treat it with care and love, extend your branches past the reach of your limited existence and allow the endless spiritual form to come into your orbit of each. Just like the branches that reach closer and closer to the shining light, should your body gradually reach closer and closer to understanding of the whole, what it means to be human, part of the whole and full of endless light that is always there to guide us.

Those who are lost, need not to look to others for saving, simply look within your own light. What does that light tell you about your overall state of human reality? Where are you as a human being on the scale of the greater universal consciousness? Where does your life fit into the puzzle of lifetimes? Are you on the path to the greater awakening, or are there sets of greater forces keeping you down? Are these greater forces part of your life, and why? What are you doing to remove the forces from your everyday existence as a human being? Are you walking away from issues that need to be resolved? Are you walking into issues that do not belong to you? Are you missing the crucial lesson in each and every possibility of learning something new from an issue, and instead getting sucked into the cycle of repeating the issue over and over, until the lesson is learned?

Simple, yet overlocked concepts are at the core of your human development. Your human mind sits there limiting itself, dwelling on the things of the past that indeed were lessons of the future. Blaming others for your unfortunate circumstances is like blaming the world for being blue; the world does not choose its color, the world does not identify itself as a blue form of consciousness, instead the blue is there being placed by each and every one of you as a reflection of desired outcomes. If your desired outcome included an option for the world to be red, the world would be red to you. Color is like an option of your one and true existence; seeing color, selecting color, feeling color is your outlet to the world of light. Your joined outcomes make it so, and your personal outcomes reinforce the whole. Stop picturing the situations in a color that they are not, shine a new light on each and every one of your issues, and see it in the color that it was not. Select a color that best fits its category and realize you are blind. We are one in the same, reflection of one, fragments of reality that is not there.

You selected and dictate the world around you. Stop and listen. Stop and listen to yourself from inside. Stop getting lost in the useless chatter of the message that is not yours. Stop believing in the reality and colors thereof that are dictated by others, others with agendas to hide the truth and keep you from being whole. Become whole, prove yourself to be part of the life cycle where humans look within and see the ocean for what it is. A vast body of possibilities that have no end or beginning, as a vast body of water that ebbs in and out of the rhythm of life, life that is yours for the taking.

#beinghuman #beingwhole

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