Word of Change

Word of Change

Be The Self You Are

May 30, 21

From the wisdom of knowledge and love, the ultimate truth comes forth. The guiding light that shines beyond any cloud of unknowing, confusion, despair, or surrender. The self that longs to live the life forth in the true knowing, self that has no limit in this or any reality. The Realty of love, compassion, and true joy is the actual true expression of self and self love. Your true self longs to be free, to be heard, to be part of the true world of love.

Stepping beyond the bounds and constrains of self-doubt, self-depletion, and self-deprivation establishes a true calling from within. The self of within can soar past any obstacle when the call of true self is established. The limit of self-imposed imprisonment is an illusion of one's fear and uncertainty of the futures unknown. But ultimately, if the future is knowing, because it’s being created and written by one's self, the uncertainty that leads to fear no longer exists.

Create a future, imagine it, develop it and see it be forth, see it as an ultimate reality of your self, the one and only option that you have to go forward. Your mind has no limit on imagination, and imagination is our own magical set of tools that you should utilize to bring forth your true reality of self.

What is your dream? Dream of flying, dream of love, dream of surrender to the divine, all the dreams are the calling of the soul. Imagine your dream past any notion of knowns, past any doubt or hesitation of the thought. Imagine your true self, beyond the human bounds of imagination, imagine your true self in a reality that is the truth. Day after day, hour after hour, and minute after minute, keep on making your dream of self a reality. Soon, the purposeful task of imagination will no longer be the imagination of one's self, but will ultimately become the realty of one's body, mind, and soul.

Your self doesn’t needs a miracle to be yourself. It requires no intervention, expensive therapies, or teaching of gurus for you to reach your own personal enlightenment. What your soul needs is your Simple, Carefree Believe in Yourself. Your surrender into your internal goodness, your ultimate reality of the truth. Be that which you already are. Be that which you already know lives on the inside, but ultimately under the confusion of fear is too afraid to emerge out of its shell. Birth forth your own light, your own self and your own ultimate reality of love, truth, and surrender. The world around you has always been waiting and longing for you to be there as your true self of unlimited potential. Like finally attending an event you have known of all your life, but through the various aspect of fears never managed to attend. Now is the time to show up. Attend the event of your lifetime, attend that future self that you have known long ago, but somehow forgot. Attend it, greet it, say hello, believe in it, and know nothing matters other than the self of this event.

Your true self is love, your true self is peace, and beauty of this world. Your true self can move mountains, fertile plains, and refill the rivers. Your true self is the unlimited expression of your own love. Your own set of desires and outcomes that will make this world beautiful. Make it forth. Make it light, make the reverse of the darkness you are standing in and made it your home. No longer can your soul live in the shadows. Shadows exist no longer in the world where only your light shines. Your light outshines the void of unknown, the void of despair and disbelief of the true self. Be the light that you are. Call forth the self, attend the event of you. You have arrived!

Surrender to the aspects of self that know no limit, know no lack of potential or self doubt. Be the ultimate picture of perfection by your own standards. The perfect self that lives in the world of love and unlimited joy. Joy is you, and you is joy. Love is you, and you is love. You are the love that you have been waiting for. Nothing in the world can complete you like you complete yourself. You are your own perfect self, just attend it forth and allow it to be so.

#betheself #selfislove #allowself

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