Word of Change

October 8, 2024

Episode 55 – Beyond the Blueprint

Hello and Welcome to another episode of the UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast!

In this episode we further expand on our discussion of the trinary nature of our existence with the Empire, Victim, and Resistance mindset and bring in a personal and deeper discussion of how this narrative effects our everyday living.

We start by introducing the concept and laying out our latest set of thoughts and discoveries behind the workings of this idea.

We discuss the nature of reality, and how the trinary nature of awareness between the states of victimhood, definitions of enemy, and our active choice into resistance creates the density of our form, propagates the narrative of victimhood and allows this reality to continue to be locked in the nature of its status quo.

We further address the process of recognition of this pattern, what happens to the psyche of being when we release and recognize our choice, and thus how life, earth, and all human experience can propagate forth outside of this narrative blueprint.

We address the magic we can experience when we open to the unlimited potential of self and life around us and stop limiting our choices of experience and further address the way of moving forward and living outside of this defined set of circumstances.

When we knowingly see and live through our choices into self and actively become aware of the mindset energy, we continue to reinforce, we can start alter, see through, and present a different narrative of self forward where we become aligned with our greater self and experience an absolute abundance in being.

In the trinary nature of being we label our state of perception as either a victim of circumstance or a victim of someone else’s plot. On the other scale we do participate but rarely deem ourselves as the empire, in the form of effort of exercising our position, enforcing our laws and defending our place of being. And in between we take on the nature of resistance to fight the fight with the world to change our perceived status quo of needing to fight.

Thus, the entire nature of all being, all interpretation of humanity is locked in this trinary fight-driven mindset of interpretation. We rarely see past this nature of reality and in fact continue to reinforce it by further believing, diving in, and participating in all 3 points of its state.

We continue to remain lost, fighting, dominating, or struggling to survive. Regardless of the state of being you find yourself in for any one interaction, whether on the micro or macro scale, the narrative remains the same and outcomes never change.

Thus, in this podcast we discuss the nature of this reality and what we can do to start going past this blind existence, allow truth to become apparent and start choosing, and actively participating in a different blueprint of being. A blueprint open to the full extent of potential that is our awakened being.

Hope you enjoy listening, and most importantly, find your own interpretation and truth of this blueprint in your life.

Happy Exploring and Happy Living!

With Love, Tanya & Elliott

Links from the episode: